Oct 14, 2024
Was There A 3rd Assassination Attempt On Trump?
Vem Miller was arrested and taken to John J. Benoit Detention Center for attempting to bring firearms into former President Donald Trump's rally in Coachella.
- 10 minutes
He showed up with multiple passports
with different names.
An unregistered vehicle with fake
license plate and loaded firearms.
I if you're asking me right now, I
probably did have deputies that prevented
the third assassination attempt, that we
have lost sight of common sense and
reality and reason that we can't say that.
Holy crap, what did he show up
with all of that stuff for?
And loaded guns.
And we're going to and we're and I'm going
to be accused of being dramatic.
We have a serious,
serious problem in this country.
I saw some of you there yesterday.
You didn't have guns and fake IDs.
I don't know.
I don't know how else to explain it.
That was Riverside, California, Sheriff
Chad Bianco, and he might have jumped the
gun by identifying a man who was arrested
at a Trump rally in Coachella, California,
as a would be Trump assassin.
Now I'll get to all the reasons
why that might be the case
in just a moment, but if true,
that would make him the third would
be Trump Assassin, and luckily his plot
would be foiled by law enforcement.
Now, Bianco explains why authorities
were suspicious of the man,
who was eventually arrested
and identified as a 49 year old named V.M.
Miller from Nevada, Las Vegas,
to be specific.
He was apparently driving a black SUV.
Here's what Bianco had to say.
As he got to the inside perimeter
where deputies were conducting.
Obviously a more thorough evaluation
of the vehicles that were coming in.
There were many irregularities
that popped up.
The deputy noticed that the interior
of the vehicle was in quite disarray.
The vehicle had a,
an obviously fake license plate.
And that prompted further investigation
from our deputy into why the person was
where, why the person was there and what
he was doing during that investigation.
The deputy eventually found multiple
passports with multiple names, multiple
driver's license with different names.
The vehicle was unregistered
and the license plate was what we
in law enforcement
would recognize as one that is homemade
and indicative of a group of individuals
that claim to be sovereign citizens.
Yeah, so that's a very dangerous group,
but it is not anti-Trump.
So I don't want you to not see
the rest of the video and not realize
this was not an assassination attempt.
The sheriff jumped the gun there.
I understand why because of the facts
that he laid out there.
I'd be very nervous about it, too.
If a guy with fake ID and a bunch of guns
shows up at a Trump rally.
But as it turns out,
he's an enormous Trump supporter
and has got the rest for you.
So the man is identified as Ben Miller.
He's from Las Vegas.
He denies that he is part
of the sovereign citizens.
He calls that ridiculous.
And he also claims
that he's a huge Trump supporter.
In fact, I want to skip ahead
to the video featuring Miller talking
about why he had guns in his vehicle
as he was attempting to attend
a Trump rally in Coachella, California.
Let's watch.
Decided to come to Coachella
after receiving a special invitation from
members of the Nevada Republican Party.
I will fully, transparently let them know
that in the trunk of my car
I carry two firearms.
One is a Glock, one is a shotgun,
and these two firearms that I carry
with me are simply for protection.
So he also spoke to Fox News Digital
in a phone interview
and said that he has never fired his guns.
He said that he started keeping them
with him after he started getting death
threats, although he didn't elaborate
on what he meant by those death threats
or who was threatening his life.
He's quoted as saying, I've literally
never even shot a gun in my life.
I don't know anything about guns.
I am beyond a novice.
He denies that he's a sovereign citizen,
calling the claim that he is ridiculous.
Miller claimed that all the fake IDs
and passports that he had in his car
were actually not fake.
He just uses, you know,
different versions of his name.
He kind of sounds crazy to me,
to be honest.
Like Miller says that he's Armenian and
has documents that use his full Armenian
name and documents that don't, because
using those documents in some places
around the world could get him killed.
Referring to campaigns over the centuries
to murder Armenians.
Now, what about
the fake press credentials?
You know, he had fake press credentials.
He was trying to get in
as part of the press.
Miller said that he has been a 30 year
member of the media and started work
after graduating from high school.
He has also worked on music videos
and TV shows with major artists
and launched America Happens Network
to combat censorship in media now.
Miller also says that he used
to identify as a Democrat, especially
when he was growing up, and that he
thought Barack Obama was going to save us
from needless wars and censorship.
He says, quote, I'm certainly more
Republican now, he says, and described
himself as a business partner himself, and
his business partner is more libertarian.
Yes, I'm 100% a Trump supporter,
Miller said, adding
that he was all in with Trump by 2018.
And in fact, there are photos of him
alongside Vivek Ramaswamy
and other, you know, Republicans
who are on the national scene.
So I happen to believe him when he says
that he is a supporter of Donald Trump
and the Republican Party overall.
Look, he's not an interesting person.
Definitely not a shooter.
Definitely not anyone trying
to hurt Donald Trump or assassinate him.
Besides which,
they let him out on $5,000 bail.
He's doing videos now
because he's back home.
Here's who.
No cops, no matter what the situation is.
Is letting out of jail someone who was
about to assassinate the president?
Okay, that's never going to.
That's not the thing that happens.
It's never happened.
So obviously they got it wrong.
And so it's just a normal
right wing knucklehead.
And by the way, this is exactly
what I told you guys would happen.
Because the minute 1 or 2 guys took a shot
at Trump, all of a sudden Republicans
are going to realize, hey, don't we need
some sort of gun control?
Because we don't mind if you guys
get killed or your kids get killed,
but this is the beloved Donald Trump,
and then they're going to start checking
for guns, and they're going to realize,
oh, right, it's right wingers.
There's guns everywhere,
and they're going to start arresting
all sorts of people with loose guns.
And that's exactly what happened here.
Do you think that there's going
to be a Trump rally
and nobody's going to show up with guns?
So he is facing state charges
over the illegal guns in his car.
However, if he was really thought
to be a would be assassin,
the feds would charge him.
- Yeah, he hasn't been charged.
- Yeah.
Let's just even stop the conversation.
He's definitely not giving everybody
the information they need to know.
To know without a shadow of a doubt
that he's not a would be assassin.
And you're right to do that.
Because I guarantee you, 40% of the right
wing will believe that he was an assassin
sent in by Iran or China or Biden or Elmo
for the rest of their lives.
Which brings us to Trump lying about
how the people that were targeting him
might have been from different countries,
because why not stir up hatred
and insanity while you're at it?
So he was being interviewed on the
Flagrant podcast hosted by Andrew Schultz,
and during that conversation,
Trump was talking about the assassination
attempts and who might be behind
the assassination attempts,
and he floated two different countries.
The first is Iran.
And honestly, I don't blame Trump
for thinking that because the Biden
administration has put out, you know,
unverified claims that Iran is trying
to assassinate Donald Trump.
And then you have Trump claiming
that possibly China might be attempting
to assassinate him as well,
although he kind of like pivoted away
from China and then hyper focused on Iran.
And remember, he did assassinate
Iran's top general, Qassem Soleimani.
So it's not far fetched
that Iran would want to retaliate.
But that is what he said
during this conversation.
Okay, but.
There's absolutely no public evidence
that Iran has tried to do that,
and there's no public evidence at all
that China has tried to do that.
In that case, there's not even
the Biden administration BSing about it.
So now, why would the Biden administration
be asked about an Iran attempt on Trump,
especially when it is plausible?
Because they want to help Israel
start a war against Iran.
So they're like, oh, Iran,
so dangerous, so dangerous.
Two white guys shot at Trump,
or one of them didn't even get a shot.
The one who did get off the shot
and was killed by the Secret Service
was a right winger.
So Iran is working with right wing,
unhinged maniacs here.
Do you have any evidence of that?
No, but he's Donald Trump, so he's going
to say most important part of that,
conversation and interview
that Donald Trump had was he said that any
country that he thinks is doing that
should be blown to smithereens.
But Donald Trump
is a lunatic conspiracy theorist.
So if he thinks, oh my God,
I'm being targeted by Iran.
By the way, how easy would it be
for Israel to get this idiot to think
he's being targeted by Iran and have him
absolutely destroy Iran and get us into
a gigantic war with in the Middle East?
We're going to get into a gigantic war
with Iran anyway because Israel wants it.
And anything Israel wants
the United States government, whether it's
run by a Democrat or Republican,
they will get, they will get.
Okay, so that doesn't matter.
Everyone should be prepared for the U.S.
Engaging in a hot war with Iran.
Get ready for that,
because that's what's going to happen.
And it doesn't matter if it's going
to be a Democrat in charge
or a Republican in charge?
Yeah. Go ahead.
So but as usual, Donald Trump
with nonstop conspiracy theories.
What if the lunatic thinks that China is
targeting him with absolutely no evidence?
But does he need evidence for saying
that people are eating cats and dogs and
all the other lunatic things he's made up?
So what's he going to do?
Get us into a hot war
with a nuclear country?
So, okay, look,
the people who took shots at him
or tried to worse people in the world.
What do you.
It's so stupid.
Morally, strategically, in every way.
So, so dumb.
And now it's giving him cause to say.
Oh, that could be. Could be.
My enemies could be targeting me.
I need to strike back.
And so we're all
in for a world of pain here.
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The Young Turks: October 14, 2024
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