Oct 16, 2024
Mark Robinson Sues CNN Over EXPLOSIVE Report
Republican candidate for North Carolina governor Mark Robinson announced that he is filing a defamation lawsuit against CNN after they reported on comments he allegedly made on a porn site.
- 12 minutes
We have worked tirelessly
to get to the truth.
For the sake of Lieutenant
Governor Robinson, his family,
and the voters of North Carolina.
And then today,
in Wake County Superior Court,
we filed a defamation lawsuit against
the Cable News Network and Lewis Money.
That lawsuit lays out the effort to, as
lieutenant governor, said, use a high tech
lynching in order to interfere with North
Carolina's 2024 gubernatorial election.
I mean, can a man who has referred
to himself as a black Nazi
really say he's the victim of a lynching?
I don't know, but Republican candidate
for North Carolina's,
gubernatorial race, Mark Robinson,
and his lawyer, his name is Jesse Binnall,
basically announced yesterday that they
are filing a defamation lawsuit against
CNN for their evidence based reporting on
posts that he had put on a porn website.
They were terrible posts.
We're going to get back
into what the post said, but I am so happy
that he filed this lawsuit.
John, I am so happy discovery
is going to be lit, I can't wait.
Well, I don't want to be a Debbie Downer,
but my prediction would be
it will never come to that because I don't
think this lawsuit is intended to win.
I don't think it's intended to last.
I think you do a lawsuit like this
to get a press conference as a Hail Mary
to possibly give you a chance to win,
which he won't.
And then as soon as you're
past the election, he's going to drop it
because he doesn't want the discovery
and because he knows he would lose.
So I would assume that this thing
is going to quietly dust into the wind,
probably in less than three weeks.
You're probably very right about that.
I also see this as a strategy to try
to like, you know, puff up his chest
and pretend like he's innocent when like,
you used the same email address
for legitimate stuff that you were
engaging in and the porn site
where you were posting disgusting garbage.
Okay, so look, let's do a little refresher
here in case anyone missed this story.
So last month,
CNN published a pretty explosive piece
linking the current lieutenant governor,
who's now a gubernatorial candidate,
to some disturbing and offensive comments
on a porn site years ago.
So the comments made on Nude Africa
on its messaging boards
dated back to 2008 to 2012.
The username that Robinson used
was Mini Soldier,
and he even referred to himself as a perv.
he calls for the arrest and mistreatment
of members of the transgender community.
But on the site, he admitted
to loving transgender porn,
which there's nothing wrong with that.
But it is always interesting what these
people are like behind the scenes,
as they say awful things
about various communities publicly.
He wrote, I like watching.
He uses a slur for the transgender
community on girl porn that's effing hot.
It takes the man out
while leaving the man in.
And yeah, I'm a perv too.
He also wrote about spying on women,
changing when he was a 14 year old,
and how he fantasizes
about doing it again as an adult.
He graphically described his own arousal
as an adult, from the memory of
secretly peeping on women in a public gym
or public gym showers.
As a 14 year old,
he recounted the story as a memory.
He said he still fantasized about.
And then CNN also reported that on
this forum discussing black Republicans
in October of 2010, Robinson described
himself as a black Nazi and argued
that slavery actually wasn't bad.
Like just bottom of the barrel.
Some of the most disgusting
comments you could imagine.
Now, he has denied all of this,
hence the lawsuit.
So what exactly is he hoping
to get out of the lawsuit, assuming that
Jon's accurate theory is inaccurate?
Well, let's take a look.
We expect to find that there are more
bad actors that have been involved in this
process to interfere with the election,
and there is more to come.
And let me say this.
There have been those
that have tried to interfere with our
investigation by stonewalling.
And to them I will say that we
will use every tool at our disposal
now that a lawsuit has been filed,
including the subpoena power,
in order to continue pursuing the facts,
and you will not be able to hide
behind stonewalling, stonewalling.
We will get to the truth.
We are seeking $50 million in damages
for the reputational harm
that has been done to Lieutenant
Governor Robinson's good name.
Yeah. Okay.
Well, this is when the press conference
kind of started to take a turn.
The lawyer described the article
as the CNN piece as recklessly false.
And he gave absolutely no evidence
to support that claim.
Instead, he gave incoherent answers
every time a reporter asked him
a legitimate question.
Take a look.
He denied the story from the beginning.
But I mean factually, have you been
able to prove that it is not true,
or can you elaborate on that at all?
What our investigation
has shown so far is that,
there were a number of inconsistencies
that were that were used
that went beyond journalistic standards
in the way that that CNN,
performed their, their reporting.
First of all, let me say
that we continue to that Lieutenant
Governor Robinson has always said
these allegations are completely false.
Our investigation has shown that he is is,
quite frankly, right about that.
How does he reconcile the fact
that his client used
the same email address, you know,
the same email address that he uses
for other legitimate matters
on this site where he was posting
disgusting content and commentary?
I don't know.
But before we get to the next clip,
because the reporters would not budge.
I don't know, John. Maybe.
Maybe I'm being unfair.
I always want to, like, open my mind
up to the possibility that maybe I'm
being unfair and maybe that lawyer
is really hitting it out of the park.
What do you think?
Yeah. No, I love it.
His look, they eventually say
he says the allegations are false.
That's a clear refutation.
Although Robinson himself referred
to them as scurrilous accusations.
And I alleged on TDR this morning
that you are legally only allowed
to refer to allegations as scurrilous
if they are true, like you never are.
Going to say something is scurrilous.
If you're actually so upset
that you're being falsely accused,
you're role playing a pirate because
this is all a game to you, basically.
This is all a game.
He's in the background of the shot
while the lawyer is talking.
He's got this serious look on his face.
But we know so much
about this guy right now.
We don't know everything.
Like, I don't know if he's thinking
about transgender porn.
While that press conference is going on,
it seems like it's on his mind a lot.
But I know you're going to talk about
the other lawsuit he's involved in,
but just like I, we try to live our lives
in a way that we think is honest.
And this guy has gone through the years.
But when he was born
to when he launched his candidacy.
Just running amuck out there on podcasts
and pornography stores and weird websites
and then just assuming that'll be fine.
That'll never come back
to bite me on the ass.
And CNN I think was I think
they were very responsible
in the way they reported this.
There have definitely been false
accusations based on online activity.
And I think at this point,
for a serious news organization, the bar
is pretty high to actually report it.
This is about as confirmed
as anything like this ever could be.
And if and if it is false and they
have evidence, you would think they'd come
out swinging with at least a hint of it,
a whiff of what it is.
- And they got nothing.
- Yeah, you're exactly right.
In fact, I'm going to skip ahead
a little bit and talk about other evidence
linking him to the posts.
Not only did he use his actual email
address that he uses for other things,
he also used his full name.
He used his full name.
Who's the idiot here?
Like, seriously? Come on.
And, the network, meaning CNN,
which broke the story,
has said it connected
the porn site comments to Mr. Robinson
by matching his email address
and the username mini soldier
to other online accounts belonging to him.
He really did work hard
to conceal this, didn't he?
CNN also reported that the mini soldier
account had discussed topics that
corresponded with Mr. Robinson's interests
and bio biographical information, such as
his age and the length of his marriage.
And I'm glad that marriage
was at the end of that sentence.
Now, as CNN is aware, people who create
accounts on websites like Nude Africa
prefer not to use their own names
and identities for obvious reasons.
Now, you mentioned the other lawsuit.
So there's a second individual
who is being sued by Robinson,
and that individual is Lewis money.
So as you heard from his lawyer earlier,
you know, CNN isn't the only one
facing this lawsuit.
They're suing this man named Lewis. Money.
Money was cited and quoted
in an article last month in the Assembly,
a news website in North Carolina,
saying that Robinson had frequented
pornography stores in Greensboro,
North Carolina, where Robinson is from,
in the 1990s and early 2000.
Money told the Assembly that Robinson
frequently watched pornography
in private booths in those days.
Look, I don't like he's suing
because he claims that this is defamatory.
I like don't care.
I don't care about that at all.
Like, I don't care that there
are people who consume porn.
I don't care that they do it
in private booths, like back in the day.
You know, that's what men did, I guess.
I mean, I wouldn't have done it,
but men are different.
The fact that he's going so hard
against this guy for simply stating
that he would frequent porn shops
and go into private rooms is interesting.
- What are your thoughts on that, John?
- Yeah.
Look, if if this stuff was untrue,
which it potentially could be, but
basically everything about Mark Robinson
makes me pretty sure that it's true.
Then I could see why you'd
be frustrated about this.
Like, if, look, anybody,
any candidate could theoretically
face false accusations,
and that would be really frustrating.
The issue is that it seems to be true.
And there seems to be
a lot of corroboration.
And I don't mean just corroboration
between the various accusations.
All of the stuff
that he has admitted to that he's done
and the weird statements he makes.
He paints a picture of the sort of guy
that this stuff
could potentially be true about.
More important to me,
I would be much more willing to like,
consider the unfairness of this.
If it actually seemed reasonable to think
that this potentially untrue story
is what is throwing the election,
but that's just not the case.
The dude was already trailing by a lot
before this came out, and so you could
still be frustrated on a personal level,
or maybe because it's like causing
problems with your relationship,
although she knows all the stuff
he's done publicly and said publicly,
and she's been fine with that,
so I'm sure they'll be fine.
They seem made for each other.
But this definitely is not
swaying the election, okay.
And so to get mad about CNN, as if that's
what it's doing is totally fake.
And by doing this lawsuit, he's drawing
more attention to the, you know, reporting
about the post he put up on Nude Africa.
Yeah, that's true.
Congratulations. You're really knocking.
It out of the park.
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