Oct 31, 2024
Did Bill Clinton Just SCREW Kamala's Chances In Michigan?
Former President Bill Clinton told a Michigan crowd that Israel is FORCED to kill civilians.
- 20 minutes
It isn't how many we've had to kill,
because Hamas makes sure
that they're shielded by civilians.
They'll force you to kill civilians
if you want to defend yourself.
- Okay.
- That is former president Bill Clinton
campaigning for Kamala Harris in Michigan,
talking about how Hamas just
surrounds itself with babies and straps.
Its on. So you gotta kill all the babies.
Of course you do.
Again, Michigan,
home to the largest Arab and Muslim
American population in the country.
And somehow he thought
this would go over well.
Oh my God, what are they doing? Again.
Once again, there have been 43,000
people murdered by Israel in Gaza
at the lowest level possible.
Again, the high end of what?
Estimates of how many people
have been killed are 200,000.
So again, all of this is still going on as
refugee camps are targeted like jabalia,
as children in incubators are being
targeted by having the oxygen supplies
of their hospitals deliberately taken out
as children are found with bullet holes
right into their skulls,
like an assassination.
Bill Clinton says that.
So you can see
why some voters might be upset.
You know those
who don't like killing children.
And here he is about a little bit more.
There's a lot more, in fact, about why he
thinks that at the end of the day,
these voters should just get over it.
I understand why young Palestinian
and Arab Americans in Michigan
are think too many people have died.
I get that.
But if you lived
in one of those kibbutzim.
And in Israel, right next to Gaza.
And Hamas butchered them.
And so then the people who criticize it
are essentially saying, yeah, but look how
many people you've killed in retailing.
So how many is enough for you to kill
to punish them
for the terrible things they did?
That all sounds nice until you realize
what would you do if it was your family
and you hadn't done anything but support
a homeland for the Palestinians,
and one day they come for you
and slaughter the people in your village.
You would say,
well, you will have to forgive me.
- I'm not keeping score that way.
- Oh, God.
Okay, so not only is it awful,
it's rambling and it doesn't make sense.
But there he is,
asking Arab and Muslim voters like, hey,
what if you had family who was killed?
And they're like, yeah, we have.
But no, he's only counting
the family members
of the people who were killed by Hamas.
He's not counting the family members
of the people who were killed by Israel.
It is just it gets worse, though.
He is now criticizing Americans
for criticizing Biden.
Just don't don't criticize
how Biden has handled this.
In fact.
When I read that people in Michigan
are thinking about not voting because
they're mad at the Biden administration
for honoring his historic obligation to
try to keep Israel from being destroyed,
I think that's a mistake.
Kamala Harris has said that she will try
to negotiate an end to the violence
and end of the killing
and a new peace process.
And that ought to be enough.
And there you have the audience
at least trying to help him out
and applauding, saying that she says she's
going to negotiate, even though let's
let's make sure we keep it 100.
The Biden administration has foregone
negotiation at this point because they
don't have a partner in Israel.
The negotiations have stopped.
There's no more around the clock.
There is no negotiations
to release hostages.
We haven't even talked
about the hostages in weeks.
No, we haven't heard any American official
talk about them or their well-being.
To say nothing of the people
being slaughtered every single day.
But, Jake, how did they know
he was going to just wax on about this
and just freelance on how, you know,
you know, you should really stop stop
criticizing Biden because he's trying.
And I'm going to say other incoherent
and very Islamophobic things.
Yeah, it was a super offensive speech,
and it was incredibly counterproductive.
I mean,
this is how you try to lose a race.
So let me break it down first.
Look, I'm going to stick
with the confirmed numbers.
Is 43,000 dead. That's already horrific.
And it's 40 times the number of people
that Hamas killed.
That's going to get to the main point,
which Franny alluded to,
which is look at his perspective.
His perspective is, well, look,
when he talks about the family members
in the kibbutz who were killed.
He's right about that.
There were a lot of people there that
actually were more in favor of a two state
solution than in other parts of Israel.
That's why terrorism
doesn't make any sense.
You're killing civilians.
You don't know who you're killing,
and they might actually be
your allies and your friends.
And so it's a counterproductive way to go.
But at the same time, he says, now, if you
had your family members that were killed
that way, wouldn't you want to what, kill
40 times as many of their family members?
Number one, my answer is no.
No, I wouldn't want to kill 40 times
as many families in Palestine.
And I would hope that you would be
a decent human being and not say that.
Oh yeah, let's get vengeance and kill.
Oh, remember the people who were killed.
Some of them really believed
in a Palestinian state
and were good people to Palestinians.
That's why they would want 40 times
as many of them being murdered.
How does that make any sense?
And but even more importantly than that,
he never even once considers,
wait, what if my family was in Gaza
and 43,000 of them were just slaughtered?
What would that make me want to do?
Wouldn't that want
to make me defend myself?
And how would I defend myself?
And what can I possibly do
when Israel says
we're never going to end the occupation?
That is literally a vote they had
in their cabinet
that the Palestine will never be a state.
What? What are they supposed to do?
So I say terrorism is bad.
I hope a lot of you say terrorism is bad.
But no matter what they do today in
the Israeli press, Israel said that they
will not negotiate with the Palestinian
Authority in the West Bank for peace.
Well, wait a minute.
If you're not negotiating with Hamas
and you're not negotiating
with the Palestinian Authority,
that works with you in the occupation
of the West Bank, who can you.
Oh, right.
You don't want to negotiate for peace.
So this is disgusting.
And then to blame the Palestinians
for their own deaths?
Well, you know,
they're using human shields.
They made us do it.
They made the poor Israeli victims.
The IDF are such victims here
because Hamas made them kill
all those civilians in Gaza.
That's a disgusting thing to say.
I know that it's a regular talking
point on television, and I know that just
five years ago, maybe two years ago,
that Bill Clinton would have said that
and everybody would have applauded.
Oh, yeah, of course, human shields
the right to defend yourself, of course.
Slaughter all the Palestinians you want.
But today's a different day, man,
because you know why?
Because we all saw the slaughter
with our own eyes.
You don't have mainstream media
to protect you anymore.
And to pretend that Israel is the victim
when they kill 40 times
the number of civilians.
I did it again and again
and again and again.
But they're just collateral damage.
They're just human shields.
And the Palestinians made us kill them
and made us occupy them
because they're the violent ones.
Yeah. Okay.
Well, you look disgusting
when you say that.
So that's Bill Clinton saying giving
a speech that he would normally give
his most precious followers,
his donors and his donors would go,
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, let America.
So you better send him
a $26 billion check.
And Clinton would say,
and the Democrats would Biden and Harris.
Oh, and by the way, Trump too. Oh, right.
Right away, sir.
We're sending you 26 billion right away.
Kill more Palestinians.
They had it coming.
It was their fault. It was their fault.
That would work great in a donor room.
And it has.
That's why they raised
a spectacular amount of money.
But when you're going to try to get Arab
and Muslim votes in Michigan, you moron,
you might want to try a different speech.
Do you know they also sent
Ritchie Torres to Michigan?
- Oh, God.
- Ritchie Torres is.
What do we do?
What, are you trying to lose the election?
Why don't you send Fetterman
to go punch a couple of Muslim voters
in Michigan while you're at it.
I mean, Jesus Christ, how stupid are you?
On top of being immoral,
I've got more money.
No, but you know what, though?
This is it. Like.
I understand that on this issue,
Kamala Harris doesn't deserve to win.
But also we understand that Trump would
be, would be and has been far worse.
But so if anyone says that anyone
who votes for Kamala to do a, you know,
to to do damage control or harm reduction,
isn't serious about ending the occupation.
I, I, I give you a massive movement,
myself included,
who will not give an inch on this issue
when it comes to the Democrats, but they
are better adversaries to fight against.
They are people who, when you protest
them, they will not criminalize you
and drag you out by your feet and tell
you you should be pushed off of bridges.
But there are people
who are going to be sort of like,
all right, all right, we hear you.
We're all trying to work around the clock.
No you're not.
We know you're not.
And we're going to be holding your feet
to the fire, and we're going
to be pushing you on this issue,
because as decrepit as Bill Clinton sounds
when he advocates for the mass murder of
Palestinians, that decrepit little Zionist
voice I want nowhere near the mainstream
of the Democratic Party.
It is decrepit. Why?
Because it's dying.
It is a dying perspective.
And we need to make we need
to make sure that it dies.
Truly. Like that is so old.
And then he starts going on about,
oh, well, the Palestinians rejected
a homeland in the year 2000
when I was doing the Camp David Accords.
This guy again still wants us.
What are we supposed to do?
You're going to lean over a child
who's starving to death in North Gaza
and shake your finger at it and say,
look, number one, you voted for Hamas
even though you were not born yet.
And number two,
you rejected your homeland.
And Yasser Arafat did a terrible job
representing you in the year 2000.
Ergo, you need to starve to death
and Israel is going to recolonize Gaza.
Miss me with all of these talking points.
It's so gross.
And I just want to throw up.
The mayor of Dearborn, Michigan,
Abdullah Hammoud, who, if you can tell
by his tweet, is very much invested
in a Harris Walz campaign winning,
but says this rumor has it the Dems
want to send Bill Clinton to Dearborn
to rally the Arab vote this weekend.
Do us a favor stop sending surrogates
who have no respect
or regard for this community.
You're only inflicting more damage.
Again, it's a little bit
of a word to the wise.
Stop. Yeah.
So, let me break down a couple more things
in this awful, awful speech.
And to Franny's point, yeah, I agree,
Trump is always worse on every issue.
And Trump right now is lying to somebody
because he's out there going,
oh, we're going to have peace
in the Middle East as soon as I'm elected.
Right. And, and and I'm antiwar man.
Wars are going to be over
when I'm elected.
And he's going and telling his donors, I'm
going to let Israel do whatever it wants
and I'm going to finance it, you know.
So I got you, dog.
And that's why Netanyahu is backing Trump,
because he knows
Trump's going to let him go wild.
Anti-war my ass.
And who do you think
Trump's going to serve?
The people who gave him
millions of dollars or the average guy?
If you think it's the average guy,
you're the sucker at the table, okay.
So this guy's a legendary con man.
All he ever cares about
is himself and money.
So between the two people that he's
telling completely different stories to,
my guess is he's going to deliver
for the donors and not you guys.
Which, again, makes him a very standard
politician from both parties.
So to to the point back to this speech.
So he says, well, you know,
Hamas is using human shields.
And so that's why the Israelis
had to kill the kids.
But the American doctors on the scene
said there was an extraordinary
percentage of kids with headshots, snipers
shooting them from a long distance.
Kids, why don't they?
If they're snipers, why don't they
shoot the Hamas guy behind him?
If that story was theoretically true,
why did they shoot the kid now
and over and over and over and over again?
Collateral damage, my ass. Look, I get it.
Some people are biased and they're like,
no, no, no, my side is so pure and moral,
they would never do anything like that.
I don't care if you give me
overwhelming evidence.
By the way,
you sound like a Trump supporter.
Oh, overwhelming evidence by every news
agency and every human rights group.
No, they're all wrong because
the whole world is anti-Semitic.
So we get to kill all the kids
and we're the good guys.
No you don't.
No you don't. You need to.
It doesn't mean that you're not good guys.
It means you need to turn around.
You need to turn around now, okay?
Because this is not what good guys do.
This is awful.
And don't tell me you had to do it
when you used snipers,
let alone the fact that they use snipers
to kill an American journalist
and an American recently in the West Bank.
All sniper shots.
What happened to human shields?
No, the snipers are trying
to kill those people,
innocent civilians, journalists, etc..
And then he said later in the speech,
look, you know,
Israel was was there first anyway
before your religion was even formed.
First of all, do you think that's
a winning message to say to Muslims,
it's not your land anyway?
I mean, they were there first
couple of thousand years ago,
maybe according to some ancient texts,
by the way, Israeli professors went
to Egypt to prove like they were like,
oh, this is really interesting.
Let's see if we can find
some archeological finds
that show that Moses was there
and the Jews were enslaved in Egypt, etc..
These are Israeli anthropologists
came back.
The Egyptians have so many records
and there is no records of Jews being
enslaved there or Moses leading them out,
let alone, of course,
the nonsense about the Red sea and the
frogs raining down from the sky, etc..
So the whole thing is fiction.
It's fiction.
It's not that there were no Jews
in in the Middle East, not in Egypt,
but there were in in the original area.
Right. But that justifies it.
Well, if that justifies it.
Well, the Turks were occupying
both of them.
Can I get it back?
Am I now in charge?
What kind of moronic history is this?
And to say, oh, at some several thousand
years ago, they were there.
So now they get to take your actual home,
your actual home, and drive you out of it
and take your land.
And you think that's a winning message to
tell Muslim and Arab voters in Michigan?
I don't know what happened
to the Democratic leader's minds.
I think they all simultaneously melted.
I'm not done yet.
One more thing.
When he said that, no, two more things
when he said at the end there
that we showed you, he said she said
that she'll try to negotiate.
That should be good enough.
She'll try to negotiate after the election
and that should be good enough.
No, no, it's not within a million miles
of good enough.
That's basically saying
I took the donor money.
I'm going to do what the donors say,
shut up and vote for me.
And then afterwards I'll
pretend I negotiated
and I'll do the same exact thing.
Now send them a blank check and let
them slaughter your family members.
But remember, the only people
you should have sympathy for
is Israeli family members.
Now we say have sympathy for both.
For both.
And they say no, no, no.
Finally the human shield.
Nonsense! I can't stand it anymore.
That talking point is vomitous.
Every single resistance group,
whether they're terrorists or not,
whether they kill civilians or not, every
resistance group has lived with civilians.
You know why?
Because they don't have a choice.
They're a resistance group.
They don't have military bases.
And where do they come from?
They don't come from an army.
The army has already been defeated.
They come from the civilians.
So under this logic, well,
the Nazis had to kill the French.
They had to kill him.
They were resisting.
They had to kill the Jews.
They were resisting.
They were doing violence
against the poor Germans.
Are you offended by that analogy?
You should be 10,000 times more offended
that Israel right now is
starving the children of northern Gaza.
They barely let any humanitarian aid or
food in since the beginning of this month,
an entire month of a planned starvation
where the Palestinians
are starving children just look like
the Jewish kids out of the Holocaust.
That should rip your insides out.
That should make you so sad
for what Israel has become.
But instead of turning around, you have a
bunch of corrupt, immoral politicians like
Bill Clinton going and yelling at Muslim
and Arab voters that it's their fault.
And if they know what's good for them,
they should bow their heads
and support Kamala Harris,
even though she's 100% on Israel's side.
- It's disgusting.
- Yeah.
I mean, and this is look,
I think I think they're going
to lose Michigan in my opinion.
I don't think that the blue wall is done
if they lose Michigan,
I have a little bit of a different take.
I do think they'll, you know, they I don't
think the whole wall will fall, but I
don't think they're carrying Michigan.
And I think they'll pick up
either North Carolina or Nevada
or Arizona or something.
But this is bad.
I mean, when the mayor of Dearborn
is like, you're doing more damage,
it's there's he's saying, uncle, uncle,
you've already told us that you don't care
about our community's lives.
Uncle, stop making it worse.
We've already told us,
and I. And they want to do more.
They're going to send Ritchie Torres.
Stop. Just stop.
If you don't know,
Ritchie Torres is the most virulently pro
right wing Netanyahu government
supporting a member of Congress.
Maybe he's tied with Fetterman,
but he's out there trying to make sure
that no one's allowed to criticize Israel.
- He's on more.
- Money than any Congress person.
I believe he's got $1.2 million dollars
from pro-Israel PACs.
I mean, his corruption is
so over the top and so disgusting,
and he dehumanizes Palestinians.
And why is he used like
a stupid stooge that he is?
Let's be honest.
Oh, look, we got a minority to say
that minority lives don't matter.
That only. Only Israeli lives matter.
Only Israeli lives matter. 40 times as
many children killed, grandmothers killed,
aunts and uncles and moms killed in Gaza.
Who cares?
I don't have to think
about their families.
They were stupid human shields
and they had it coming.
That's your stupid message.
Ritchie Torres, Bill Clinton,
Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden,
you monsters and also morons.
And you'd rather serve your donors
than win this election.
So if Kamala Harris loses this election,
I don't want any stupid, idiotic,
moronic mainstream media or
Democratic Party leaders coming out going,
oh no, it was the voters fault.
It was the Arabs fault and
young black males fault and women's fault.
They didn't come out enough
and it was progressives fault
and it was somebody else's fault.
I mean, she had to serve the donors
even though it cost her the election.
She has to she has to serve
the moneyed interests.
No she doesn't.
And by the way, you idiot,
you already have the money.
You're supposed to use the money
to win the election in the end,
at least have enough common sense to turn
to the voters, even if you're faking it.
But she's not
even smart enough to do that.
And neither is Bill Clinton.
Neither is Joe Biden,
a bunch of donor obsessed goons
who have no morality at all.
I mean, tell me how you really feel,
Jake, but like.
Yeah, by the way, as always, Trump also.
But like, you don't know
that Trump's immoral.
You're in a tie with Donald Trump.
You must be so proud. Thanks for watching.
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