Nov 4, 2024
Trump Allies SPREAD Voter Fraud Lies Before Election Day
Election officials are combating misinformation and allegations of widespread voter fraud
- 13 minutes
But they found, as I understand it,
I mean, I don't know what's happened
in the last day or so, but they
in Lancaster, they found 2600 ballots,
all done by the same hand.
In other words, the same exact penmanship,
the same hand, the same everything.
It was all done by the same pen.
The exact same pen.
The exact same pen, the exact same hand.
That everything Donald Trump said.
There is a lie.
In Pennsylvania, up to 2500
voter registration applications,
registration applications, not ballots,
were identified as potentially fraudulent.
But of course, that never stopped
Donald Trump from crying election fraud.
And with the election day,
of course, coming up very soon,
it does look like we're in for many more
lies from Trump and other Republicans.
In fact, just this morning, Donald Trump
Jr. Donald Trump Jr said the following.
But you know
what they're going to try to do.
We've seen this playbook before,
but this time we're prepared.
So if we win decisively tomorrow,
you don't give them a week to find that
magical truck filled of ballots, right?
No one knows where they came from.
But take back your country, America.
Take it back from magical ballots
that are suddenly going to be trucked in.
On Steve Bannon's podcast, Tucker
Carlson pushed the lie even further.
What I'm really struck by is how virtually
every Trump voter I talked to,
and maybe even some on the fence voters
says basically the same thing.
You know, it's just a question
of how much the Democratic Party cheats
in this election, which is another
way of saying the whole country
seems to have accepted the reality that,
you know, one of the two big political
parties doesn't believe in democracy,
is willing to cheat and ignore the will
of the population of the citizenry.
That's really dark.
As someone who spent, you know,
I don't know,
something like 15 hours in depositions,
imposed on me by voting machine companies.
And I was never named in any suit
by a voting machine company,
but they went out of their way to harass
me, I think funded by Reid Hoffman.
Stole all my text messages,
leaked them to the New York Times.
I'm bitter about it still.
But the, you know, for the last year and
a half, the whole, you know, conservative
media has been cowed into ignoring
what's really obvious, which is we should
not have electronic voting machines.
They don't work.
They're not more efficient,
they're not better at counting,
and they don't produce the result faster.
The only reason to have
electronic voting machines
is if you know you want to subvert them.
Well, based on the claims
from Donald Trump and his lackeys,
including Junior and Tucker Carlson,
it seems like the writing is on the wall.
If Trump loses this election,
if he does anything but win, Donald Trump
and his supporters are going to cry foul.
And of course, Donald Trump's cronies
are going to back it up.
And a vast majority of Americans see
this stunt coming a majority of Americans,
70%, according to BBC.
Expect Trump
to reject the result if he loses.
According to a CNN SWS poll
released Monday.
It's also worth noting that many of
Donald Trump's fake electors from 2020
have returned for the 2024 election.
Of the 93 Republicans designated
as prospective presidential electors for
Trump from the seven battleground states,
eight are facing felony charges
for signing false Electoral College
certificates in 2020,
according to a political analysis.
Another five signed similar certificates
in 2020 but were not charged,
and at least six others played
notable roles in challenging the results
of the 2020 election
or promoting election conspiracy theories.
All told, at least 1 in 5 prospective
Trump electors from battleground states
this year had some connection to the
scheme to overturn the 2020 election.
To make matters even worse,
disinformation disinformation is
running rampant on social media.
Here's an example.
The FBI and the U.S.
Intelligence officials now saying
Russia is behind a fake video
now circulating online showing a man
who claims to be a Haitian immigrant who
says he voted multiple times in Georgia.
Again, the video is completely fake.
The man who.
Says he's a Haitian immigrant
claims to have voted multiple times
in Georgia using multiple IDs.
So across the United States,
a lot of election officials,
secretary of states, people who are
in charge of elections are racing to try
to debunk these fraudulent claims.
Here's Pennsylvania's secretary
of the Commonwealth named Al Schmidt.
He went on CNN to push back
against Trump's claims of voter fraud
in his state of Pennsylvania.
I was a Republican election commissioner
in Philadelphia, elected in 2011 and
reelected in 2015 and reelected in 2019.
I have investigated hundreds
of allegations of voter fraud and that's
why I feel like I can speak with some
degree of authority and knowledge about
when it occurs and when it doesn't occur,
and when it does occur,
the extent to which,
there's evidence of it and allegations of
widespread voter fraud in Pennsylvania
are completely and totally unfounded.
Voters should have confidence that we
will have a free, fair, safe and secure
election in 2024, just as we had in 2020.
But a lot of Americans
are now going to face a choice.
Do you believe some of these
election officials, including Republicans,
who say that the elections
are free and fair and safe?
Or do you believe Donald Trump
and Donald Trump Jr and Tucker Carlson
and some of the other lackeys
and minions who seem eager, jack,
to go ahead and promote this nonsense
in order to somehow get Donald Trump back
in power, even if it means lying about
something that hasn't even happened yet.
Truckloads of ballots are coming,
says Don Jr and Tucker Carlson.
It's absolute nonsense, Jay. Yeah.
So two things that you mentioned that are,
one of them is important.
The other one is hilarious.
So I'll get back to that in a second.
But to the core of the issue,
you know, all the cases
where we had the same handwriting,
the registration applications and a couple
of other cases in some states, why we
know about them because they were caught.
Oh, right. That's the system working.
They seem to have forgotten
that completely.
The Democrats are rigging these elections.
That's why the Democrats
turned over fraudulent applications.
Wait, what?
So the Democrats and the Republicans
caught different people trying to cheat
on registration applications,
or maybe a couple of instances of ballots.
Well, by definition,
that's the system working.
Okay, then how about the ones
that are the hundreds of things out there
that are unproven.
Okay, well, first of all,
some of those this might surprise you.
Some of those are not malicious.
A lot of those are right wingers
who believe everything.
Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump and every
liar and right wing media tells them.
And so they go, oh, they think
that there's fraud everywhere.
So they're like,
my neighbor voted for Kamala Harris.
That's obviously fraud.
No, that's not fraud.
That's just your neighbor voting
in a different way than you.
Oh, yeah. What about this?
What about that?
Oh, she came in voting with a red shirt.
Well, I don't know
what you're talking about.
Okay, so my favorite out of all
those insane allegations
is they got one guy on video.
They're like, look at this guy
dropping off all these ballots
and a voting station.
Who is he?
Well, good news, they found out who he is.
The mailman.
Come on, guys.
And this is exactly the nonsense
horse crap that or I should say mule crap
that Dinesh D'Souza did.
And he put out that stupid movie
2000 mules and then the distributor
of the movie, then pulled it back later
and said, sorry, sorry.
It was filled with lies. Sorry.
Stop suing us. Yeah, it was totally a lie.
Right. So there's no.
And then he would do
the same stupid trick.
He'd be like, look at this.
Ballots being moved.
Yeah, by election workers.
They have to count them at some point.
That's how it works.
And half those guys are Republicans.
And half the votes
they counted for were Republicans.
So. Okay, all that is total nonsense
by a crybaby.
Donald Trump, spoiled little brat.
Hey, you wanna go?
I don't care that I lost daddy.
Give me my toy back.
So. And that leads to the most important
number that David read for you guys.
That's 70%. 70% of the country thinks
that Donald Trump is going to cry
after the election if he loses.
Cry and cry and cry
and never admit that he lost.
So some portion of those are Republicans
who think, good, that's what we do.
If we lose, we just cry forever, right?
And or good people
who genuinely believe because of the lies
that they've been told,
that the election was stolen from them
and that the Democrats are working with
Soros and Chavez to steal all the lies.
Okay, so but remember, guys, a big portion
of that giant number, 70% are people
who are going to vote against Donald Trump
because they hate his crying.
They hate that when he loses an election,
he won't leave.
So it's a terrible strategy.
And every adviser he has, he has had, has
told Donald Trump, look, in the polling,
it shows that when you keep insisting like
a lunatic that you won the last election,
the overwhelming majority of Americans
do not believe you did.
And it hurts you
because you look ridiculous and insane.
He's like, I don't care, I never lose.
Daddy told me I never lose.
I'm the only winner. Me me me me me.
Okay, well then lose the election
like a moron.
Which is exactly what he's doing now.
And the last part is the funny part.
Did you notice what Tucker Carlson said?
He had the conspiracy theory
about Reid Hoffman.
I don't know who got his texts.
I don't know how they got his text.
I don't know, okay.
But he said, oh, yeah,
this guy got my text.
Oh, so those texts were real.
Remember in the text he talked about
how much he hated Donald Trump's guts
and how he thought he was a malignant
force who should be avoided at all costs.
So the texts were real, Tucker.
But you're out here pretending
that you're Donald Trump's best friend.
Hilarious. Thank you for the admission.
You hate him.
There's no bigger actor
in media than Tucker Carlson.
Tons of right wing media
actually believe the stuff that they say.
But Tucker Carlson doesn't believe
a word of it, and he just confessed it
to you guys while pretending to say
all this lunatic stuff and pretending
to be in favor of Donald Trump,
as he costs Donald Trump
more and more votes
as the election happens all of a sudden.
We're going to show you one later today.
The demon talk
and how the demons are attacking.
You know what that does?
It turns off potential voters to Donald
Trump because he doesn't want J.D.
Vance to be the presumptive nominee.
That's a longer conversation.
We'll have it later in the show.
One other thing.
To sort of watch with all of this
is there's already, apparently,
a pressure campaign by the Trump campaign
on some members of Congress
basically saying, look,
no matter what happens on Tuesday night
when the votes come in,
we don't want you going and supporting,
you know, declarations of Kamala Harris
wins this state or that state.
We don't want you saying anything or else.
And I keep thinking,
well, what's the or else?
I mean, if Donald Trump loses
this election, what leverage does he have
over sitting members of Congress
who say, no, I accept the results
because Donald Trump is done.
So it's sort of an interesting dynamic
here that, sure, I can understand why you,
you know, until every vote is counted,
until it's official and they're going
to be voters on the West Coast,
and you don't want to cast, you don't want
to cost, you know, house seats in
the West Coast by prematurely declaring,
oh, yeah, the election is over.
Donald Trump has lost and Kamala Harris
is going to be president.
But on the other hand, it's not
like Donald Trump has the sort of leverage
that he might have had, say,
four years ago or certainly eight years
ago in terms of pressuring members of
- Congress to go along with this nonsense.
- Yeah.
My only answer to that is that he will lie
so many times that he'll get his base
to be super angry at the Republican
politicians that acknowledge reality.
So they're going to have
to battle that base for a long time,
even if Trump is gone.
And the more Trump lies, the more they
believe him, and the more they think
that election was stolen, that everything
is rigged and nothing is true.
So that's an albatross around the
Republican Party's neck for a long time.
But hey, Democrats, don't get too smug.
The establishment is the albatross around
your neck and you don't even realize it.
So we'll see what happens
after the election.
But one thing that would be nice is if
everyone acknowledged objective reality.
And to the Democrats credit,
they generally do do that.
They might complain,
oh, it wasn't our fault.
It was Jill Stein, it was the Russians.
It was this, it was that.
But at the end of the day,
they accept the results.
But Donald Trump is
a unique danger to democracy.
He never accepts the results if he loses.
So that's why people are going
to vote against him, because they think
this guy cheats and doesn't really believe
in our system of government.
And I think they're right.
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Now Playing (Clips)
The Young Turks: November 4, 2024
Hosts: Jordan UhlCenk Uygur
- 8 minutes
- 14 minutes
- 11 minutes