Nov 25, 2024
Ana Sets Record Straight UNHINGED Laura Loomer Attack
Laura Loomer called TYT's Ana Kasparian a malicious and pathological liar.
- 11 minutes
I got to know Jeff
before I knew what his politics were.
Incredibly kind guy.
He helps everyone in this building
with anything they might need.
And so that woke me up to. Wait a minute.
Not all Trump supporters
are like dangerous, evil individuals.
And yes, I it was stupid
that I thought that to begin with.
Like I'm embarrassed admitting that,
but it's just how I believed.
So over the weekend,
that brief clip from my appearance
on the Modern Wisdom podcast
started making its rounds on social media.
Even though my interview on that podcast
was from literally weeks ago,
and somehow it has upset some people,
including, you know, the fine people
over there like Laura, Laura Loomer.
So randomly out of nowhere,
she attacked me over what I had to say,
which I thought was fascinating.
We're going to get to her comments
in just a minute, but here is more context
from what I was saying
while on the Modern Wisdom podcast.
Take a look.
And so I'm like trying
to get his bicycle like up the stairs.
And all of a sudden this man stops me.
His name's Jeff, and he's like,
hey, let me help you out with that.
And he starts helping me out.
He stopped everything
he was doing to help me out.
And then Jeff and I became very close.
You know, one of my neighbors
who I really like, he was my favorite
person in the entire building.
And years go by.
One day we're in an HOA meeting,
homeowners association,
and one of our, like, one of the people
living in the building said something
about Trump that was negative.
I don't remember what it is.
And Jeff whispers in my ear,
oh, she's going to start trashing Trump.
I'm out of here.
And it hit me that he's a Trump supporter.
We had never talked about politics before.
That woke me up to wait a minute.
Not all Trump supporters
are like dangerous, evil individuals.
And yes, I it was stupid
that I thought that to begin with.
Like a light bulb went off
and something was telling me, you just you
need to scratch beneath the surface
a little more because you don't have
a realistic view of what's going on here.
Okay, so that clip offended Laura Loomer,
who's a massive Trump supporter,
as we all know.
And so she takes to X
and writes this lengthy post.
I'll get into it.
So she writes, Anna is a malicious and
pathological liar who has spent years
with her co-host Cenk Uygur, lying
about and trying to cancel every outspoken
Trump supporter, myself included.
She has spread delusional lies
about Trump, but now, in a low cut top,
you literally can't see what I'm wearing.
But okay, low cut top
and a face full of makeup.
She wants to tell some make believe story
about a guy named Jeff,
who all of a sudden made her realize
that 80 million people
are all unique individuals
who have their own personalities,
and not all of them are Nazis.
The point of what I was saying was I
was wrong to lump in all Trump supporters
as the same type of person.
And I came to this realization, and I'm
embarrassed by what I previously thought
of Trump supporters as like some monolith.
But okay, I think you
I think you missed the point.
Okay, then she writes, come on,
nobody is buying this garbage
and is trying to remain relevant in
the changing media landscape after she has
made serious cash bashing and defaming
people like me who actually busted my ass
to help Trump get elected.
Okay, Laura, she. There's more.
Okay. She's a full blown liar.
And we need to reject people like this
who spent years damaging our
biggest fighters, only to pretend
like they don't think Trump is so bad.
After all,
anyone falling for this is stupid.
You don't get to engage
in cancel culture for nine years, then get
a free pass for being a raging lunatic.
I mainly want to focus
on on the third graphic here.
Because she says that I'm trying to remain
relevant in the changing media landscape
after making serious cash bashing
like Trump supporters like her.
Okay, I never made serious cash.
I work at the Young Turks.
Okay. Sorry.
Number two. What?
What does she think
is happening right now?
Like, does she think that I'm trying to be
accepted into the MAGA world, and I'm
trying to find a position or get named
for a position in Trump's administration.
I'm still, policy wise,
overwhelmingly left wing.
The only thing that's changed is that,
well, first of all, we've always
been critical of the Democratic Party.
It's just that people
are finally noticing that.
But more importantly, yes, I changed
my mind on like a handful of policies,
including policies pertaining to crime,
some extent on, you know,
immigration policy.
You know, a few things that I've talked
open and honestly about on this show,
but economically speaking,
I'm very much left wing and have been
critical of the Democratic Party for their
economic policies being too pro-corporate.
And who am I making money off of?
I'm here at the Young Turks.
I've been at the Young Turks for 18 years.
And by the way, this is a comment not only
to Laura Loomer, but also to the left,
who engaged in the purity stuff
and don't like the fact
that in the 18 years I've been here, yeah,
I've changed my mind on a few issues.
And they also don't like this.
Look, I see ordinary Americans
as civilians, okay?
I see them as people who have the right
to practice, you know, their own beliefs,
to have their own opinions.
And I am done with demonizing people
based on how they vote, how they vote,
or the reasons why they vote.
The way they do is complicated, right?
So for me to demonize them
and to be hateful and divisive toward them
doesn't really make sense.
I have changed the way that I talk about
people, ordinary people, and the way that
I approach ordinary people that I disagree
with because I want to understand them,
and I see them as my fellow Americans,
regardless of what their
political ideology is.
That's what has changed with me.
I want to be clear about that.
But more importantly, Laura,
I'm not coming for you
and I'm not coming for whatever position
you have in the MAGA world.
You're okay. You're going to be fine.
No need to worry.
I don't know why she randomly came
after me today.
Yeah, so I did respond to her.
Jake, let me just read that
real, real quick.
There's no need to panic. Loomer.
I'm not eyeing your role
in the MAGA universe.
No need to air out
unhinged, paranoid thoughts
because you and I are very different.
Aside from moderating on a few policy
issues, the fundamental difference
between who I was in 2016 and who I am now
is that I'm way more skeptical
of narratives from mainstream news.
More importantly, I approach ordinary
people from varying perspectives, from
a place of compassion and open mindedness.
Because if I'm sowing anger and hatred,
who the hell am I to point fingers
at others for being toxic or divisive?
In other words, I'm trying to cultivate
the opposite of what ideologues
like Loomer poison this country with.
But I will give her credit for the bold
decision to go after my looks.
Damn. Shots fired.
Okay, so let me regulate on the things
that, that I know and care about.
So, first of all, this whole thing
that everybody does, like.
Oh, you guys make so much cash.
And I wish my brothers and sisters
we ain't there, man.
Digital media is super tough,
and we don't have Daddy Warbucks
like everybody on the right wing has.
Right where billionaires
are dropping in money left and right.
Now, don't get me wrong.
I believe that we're going to be
the number one news network
in the whole country.
Not just online, not just YouTube,
but the entire country.
And at that point,
I hope it will make a lot of money.
Then you can come for us.
On us being having a lot of cash
and all that stuff.
And I look forward to your hatred then.
Okay, but can you save it
until we actually make some goddamn money?
Okay, so there's 75 people that work here,
and we all care, and we're
all trying to do the right thing,
and nobody's getting crazy rich.
And so look, anyways, that that's the,
the thing that both the right and the left
hit us with, with no information at all.
None. Zero.
They just both make it up.
And it doesn't matter how many times
I'm open and honest about why I changed my
mind on a few issues, or why I've matured.
When it comes
to certain areas of politics.
It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
People just want to sum it up as,
oh, it's a grift.
It's a lazy way of refusing to address
the substance of what I'm saying,
and it's pathetic.
I can't stand it.
She'd probably go on
with Silly and Billy soon.
Who cares?
I know, I know, but it'll be great
because they'll be like,
oh my God, you lie about her.
We lie about her. Cool.
All right.
So. And then they'll become
like right wingers to spite you.
Maybe. Probably.
I wouldn't be surprised.
So look back to the other things.
What did she say? This make believe guy.
Look, we're not like everyone else
in media.
We don't lie about everything.
And I guess that's their assumption
that whenever they tell a story,
they just made it up.
But why do you need to make up
a guy like Jeff?
There's like, a million guys like Jeff.
I didn't even expect this clip to blow up.
And then Jeff saw it
and Jeff was, like, really touched by it
because he didn't even know
that I was having these internal thoughts.
Oh, is that what Jeff thought? Okay, so.
And then Laura, don't get into looks.
What, are you, nuts?
Don't. Whatever.
I don't want to get into it. Okay.
So anyways,
And so, look, most importantly.
So why am I against Laura Loomer?
Because she's, on the right,
she's MAGA, she's Trump, etc..
No, Laura.
Look, I come from a muslim background.
You think you call yourself
a proud islamophobe?
You say that no Muslim should
be able to hold political office.
I ran for political office.
You say that you wouldn't use
a muslim business
like an Uber driver or a Lyft driver.
If there's a muslim immigrant driving.
I'm a muslim immigrant.
So what do you want me to say? Laura.
Oh, Laura is so lovely.
She liked to ban people like me.
And she hates people like me.
Am I supposed to be open
and warm and loving to you?
No. I need you to go and f off
and super hard.
Okay, so if you say, oh, no, I should get
to punch you in the face politically and
rhetorically, but you should kiss my ass.
My answer to that is hell no. Hell, no.
Okay, so if you don't like me, good.
I don't give a damn.
And I'm not here for friends.
I'm not here for positions or status.
I'm not here to be.
Oh my God, Donald, good luck with me.
Oh, can I come on your trips?
I don't give a damn if about Donald Trump
or Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.
I'm here for a policy bitch, okay?
And policy means fighting for
the average American, for higher wages,
for their health care, for paid family
leave, antiwar money out of politics.
And I don't get into the drama
of who looks better and who doesn't.
Who's going to kiss up to Donald Trump
more, and who's going to kiss up less?
And who's getting the cash?
Who's getting the cash?
Go chase after whatever the hell you want.
But we're in the policy business here.
And until you get your head out of your
ass, I don't give a damn what you think.
Thanks for watching The Young Turks.
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Now Playing (Clips)
The Young Turks: November 25, 2024
Hosts: Cenk UygurAna Kasparian
- 11 minutes