Nov 25, 2024
Is Bernie Sanders Planning To Start A Third Party?
Sen. Bernie Sanders is urging Democrats to breakup its alliance with the status quo.
- 11 minutes
We're taking on very powerful forces
who are concerned about one thing
and one thing alone,
and that is they want more
and more wealth for themselves and more
and more power over the economic system
and the political system.
And the only way that I know how to defeat
that is when we organize together,
when we think creatively.
That was Senator Bernie Sanders,
who is absolutely fed up
with the Democrats and is continuing
to make clear to the public that they need
to make some serious changes.
An email he sent to supporters over
the weekend also has some people raising
eyebrows, wondering if his next big plan
is to start a third party.
So let's get to what the message was,
and then we'll discuss
what the intention is here.
He writes that the Democrats ran
a campaign protecting the status quo
and tinkering around the edges.
Trump and the Republicans campaigned on
change and on smashing the existing order.
Not surprisingly, the Republicans won.
Unfortunately, the change
that Republicans will bring about will
make a bad situation worse and a society
of gross inequality even more unequal,
more unjust, and more bigoted.
Will the Democratic leadership
learn the lessons of their defeat
and create a party that stands with the
working class and is prepared to take on
the enormously powerful special interests
that dominate our economy,
our media, and our political life?
Highly unlikely.
They are much too wedded to the
billionaires and corporate interests
that fund their campaigns.
Given that reality,
where do we go from here?
That is the very serious question
that needs a lot of discussion
in the coming weeks and months.
Finally, in the message,
he asks this how do we recruit
more working class candidates
for office at all levels of government?
Should we be supporting
independent candidates
who are prepared to take on both parties?
And so today, Bernie continued with this
attack on corruption and the corruption
within the Democratic Party.
Again writing on X, if the Democratic
Party is to become a Democratic party,
small D the first job of a new DNC chair
is to get super PAC money
out of Democratic primaries.
AIPAC and other billionaire funded
super PACs cannot be allowed to select
Democratic candidates.
Love it. I love it too, Jake.
This is something that you've been
wanting Bernie to do for a long time now,
specifically, hyper focus on the real
issue here, which is how corruption has
made its way into the Democratic Party.
So I agree with you on that.
What I don't agree with, though,
necessarily is the interpretation
of this message by some on the left.
Nathan Robinson, for instance,
thinks, you know, he might be trying
to start a new political party.
Hope he starts a political party,
Peter Daou says.
Is Bernie starting a new party?
I don't think that that's what Bernie
is necessarily calling for.
But to be frank, I don't know what he's
calling for here specifically, right.
So what's your interpretation?
Yeah, no, I think he's doing something
that is incredibly similar
to what we're doing and why he's not
coming on this show is a mystery to me,
which we'll come back to in a second.
But so before the election,
not after the election,
I started a populist plank here at tight.
Com and I said, look, no matter who wins,
whether it's Kamala Harris or Donald
Trump, we should all say that we're going
to start a populist voting bloc.
And that's the point of signing on
to that, basically, that petition to say,
I'm going to vote for the person or
candidate or party that does these things,
and I don't really give a damn if they're
Democrat, Republican or independent.
And if you're a Democrat and you say, I'm
not going to do any of those things, and
I'm not going to fight for any of those
things, but you owe me your vote anyway.
No, no.
If you don't do these things,
we're not going to vote for you.
And so if that breaks your little
corporate heart, that's for you to figure
out what you're going to do with.
- Not for us.
- Yeah.
So because you never, ever serve us, the
voters or your base or populous, all you
ever do is serve your corporate donors.
So if you expect us to keep giving
you votes when you never give us anything
in return, there's a really short.
Well, I could say plank there,
if you will.
You can take a long walk off of it.
Okay, so what's in the populist plank,
by the way?
Real quick. No more wars.
Money out of politics,
negotiate all drug prices.
Not 1 or 10 of them.
Higher wages like higher minimum wage,
paid family leave
and banned private equity firms
from buying residential properties
so we can keep housing prices low.
Populist left agrees with that.
Populist right agrees with that.
Mainstream America agrees with that.
Those are all above two thirds
in popularity.
If you can't do popular things,
it's not our fault for not voting for you.
It's your fault for not earning that vote.
I love that.
So my guess is that Bernie's not
coming on the show because we said that
before the election and we said it many,
many, many, many times.
And before the election,
if I'm going to keep it real.
And I love you, Bernie,
and I love that you're doing this.
But he was in the Trump Biden camp,
and that camp didn't work out too well.
And I think that he's going
in this direction now
because he feels burned by that camp.
They made a lot of promises to him.
And we said, we love your brother,
but we think you're being a little naive.
Those are corporate guys.
They're never going to do the things
that they promised you.
And now it feels like he's come
to the conclusion that we were right
and he got burned by them.
But whenever you write in in,
even if it's a mild critique of someone
saying, I know you've got good intent,
I know you want to go in
the good direction, right direction, but I
think your strategy is off a little bit.
Usually they catch feelings.
So, Bernie, where are you if you're going
to lead this, by the way we like.
We would love to have
the leader of the populist left
actually give directions, right?
So stop taking directions
from Biden, etcetera.
And it looks like you did that.
Great, wonderful.
Happy to have you back. Okay.
Now when you say go against
Democratic leadership, that it won't stand
with the working class,
that creates a party for the enormously
powerful special interests
that dominate our economy,
our media and our political life.
Then why do you keep going on CNN
and going to New York Times
and going to mainstream media
and not coming on independent media
that backed you all the way?
So sorry, brother,
but you got to start leading.
This is a great step in the right
direction and I appreciate it.
And you could lead without us.
Go on Jim Bob show or whatever.
But for God's sake, start leading in this
direction and do not get bullied by your
so-called colleagues in the Democratic
Party who have never been your friend.
To be fair, lately, it doesn't seem
like he would be bullied by his Democratic
colleagues because he's been consistent.
After the election, in attacking the
Democratic Party for the right reasons,
honestly, the corruption,
the fact that they were much more
interested in protecting the status quo
rather than serving the American
people or speaking to the real economic
frustrations they've been dealing with
for so long in this country.
And look, I hear where you're coming from
when it comes to Bernie.
I think that he had some positive
influence over Biden during Biden's term,
which is
why he's got a soft spot for Biden.
And I'm going to be a little softer
when it comes to Bernie.
I've got a massive soft spot for him.
And, you know, when I think about my
own brand of politics and what I believe,
my mind always goes back
to who Bernie was and what he
was campaigning on in 2015 and 2016.
And I know that's who he really is.
I know that he wants to fight
for a better country
and for better working conditions
and better treatment for American workers.
His heart is in the right place.
He pursued a different strategy
after being a warrior against corruption
in the Democratic Party for so long.
Remember, he got burned
for doing that in 2016.
I know we've all been burned together.
Okay. Yep.
But then when you turn on the people
who also got burned along with you,
that is not helpful.
And and if people haven't gotten it yet,
the establishment
attacks everyone who is a populist.
They attack everyone who is an outsider.
So if you believe the garbage that they
print, well, that if I believe the garbage
they printed about Bernie Sanders,
I think that his followers were Nazis,
brownshirts, and that he was going
to execute people in Central Park,
all things that they said
on the liberal channel, on MSNBC.
But I never believed any of that stuff.
And all I ever did
was defend Bernie Sanders on the things
that he deserves defense on.
So what I'm a little worried about.
And you look, the reason I mentioned
not coming on the show is because,
look, guess they oftentimes nine out of
ten times they don't do well for us.
- Interviews don't perform.
- Well.
So they get this stuff out of your head
from old TV like, oh my God.
If you have access to guess,
your ratings are going to be better
or you're going to be better off.
No, usually our ratings
are worse with guests.
We do it so that it informs the audience.
And and so.
So it's got nothing
to do with us personally.
It's slightly hurts us personally
when we have boring political guests,
and nine out of ten of them are boring.
I hope not, Bernie, but okay, okay.
But my point is.
Guys, to honest here.
I hear you, I hear you,
but my point is that he's not coming on.
The Young Turks is usually a bellwether.
It tells you which way they're going.
So when Bernie's running
as a super strong progressive,
he's all over the Young Turks.
He goes to the Truss. Biden strategy gone.
Okay. Colin Allred is a great example.
Colin Allred was running
as a Justice Democrat.
We asked him to come on.
- Yeah.
- Was he really.
Not? Not this time.
Not this time, right.
- Obviously not this.
- Time.
When he first started
running for the house.
- Right.
- Okay.
We asked him to come on the show.
He was going to come on.
And then he heard
that we were controversial,
that we were too progressive.
- Okay.
- We're a little abrasive at times.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know why?
Because we're populists.
I'm sorry I didn't hold
your establishment hand and go.
Oh, are you okay?
I'm going to be super nice to you.
I trust you just to.
You know, we didn't do that.
I'm not just populist on policy.
I'm populist tonally.
Sorry that I'm not
a genteel whisperer on NPR.
So the minute Colin Allred bailed on us,
I was like,
that guy's an establishment guy.
I guarantee it. Right.
And eventually he withdrew
from being a Justice Democrat.
That's him raising his hand, going,
no, no, I plan to be corporate
because with the rule we have
is you can't take corporate PAC money.
And then he drowned himself
in corporate PAC money,
and he said he's going to beat Ted Cruz.
They always say they do. They're going to.
How did that what happened?
He got his ass handed to him by Ted Cruz
because he couldn't differentiate himself
because he takes
corporate PAC money like Ted Cruz does.
And by the way, you'll notice
almost all the Justice Democrats
were on this show before they got elected
and almost never after they got elected.
Oh, because then it becomes inconvenient.
Oh, tonally, you're not pleasant
and polite enough
to our beloved colleagues who we now love
so much more than our base.
So my our issue here
is that we keep it real.
And when we do, people catch feelings.
Sad day.
You don't do a revolution politely.
That's not how it works.
I love you, Bernie.
Come talk to us. That's it.
That's all I'll say.
But that's. I'm saying the same thing.
I'm not trying to push him away.
No, I'm trying to say
come and lead, brother.
You're the leader, not us. Yeah.
Thanks for watching The Young Turks.
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Now Playing (Clips)
The Young Turks: November 25, 2024
Hosts: Cenk UygurAna Kasparian
- 11 minutes